Day 9 Rest
Day 10
Warm Up
Press/Pull and SPrints
Every 3 minutes Complete 8 reps each arm with DB 1 Arm Press, Followed by Max Reps Dead Hang Chin Ups
5 working sets at 45# for the DB. The Chin Ups got rounds of 8,8,8,6,6,6
4x40yd sled pushes with 115 lbs, 1 min rest between each- Sled pushes suck the life out of you. Don't need many, and even with rest they are just horrible to recover from. Original plan was to do 8, however, after 4 I felt 4 more would be past the Maximum Effective Dose, and would not get anything out of it, as my legs were smoked alongside my lungs. I switched over to some short regular sprints to finish out the session
Every 30 sec for 4 minutes, 40 yard sprint
Day 11
Hinge/Complex Day
Warm Up- My HS Holds are getting better. Finding the balance points along with beginning to start to shift weight from side to side. 5 sets of 30-45 seconds with 45 seconds rest has been a great all body warm up, especially through my shoulder carriage. The static holds have already strengthened the entire area after only a week and a half. Feels great.
Every minute on the minute, 3 Touch and Go Power Cleans at 155 for 8 minutes. This is a bit of power endurance work. 155 is roughly 75% of my 1RM. Focused on trying to pull with hammies a lot, as I know my technique is not the best. Some reps felt great and nice and light (good pull, good technique), other reps felt heavy and like shit (poor technique)
KB COmplex
With a KB in each hand complete 5 reps at each movement for 6 rounds.
I used 16 kg Kettlebells, since I have 16's and I have 24's. I wish I had 20's as I would have liked to move up. The 24's would have been too much. 16's were challenging in late rounds. Rested about 45-60 sec in between rounds as time was of essence today.
KB Clean, KB Front Squat, KB Snatch, KB Push Press
Snatching 2 KB's at the same time is challenging, but coordination is something I need to work on, so hence why I implemented these. I tried to do this with two 45# DB's but the fluidity is not there with DB's as it is with KB's for some reason.
Day 12
Day 13
Warm Up
Back Squat Hypertrophy Work. 5 sets of 8 at 245. Rest 90s-2 min between. These felt good.
Did a 10 min AMRAP that was suggested by a buddy who worked out with me.
15 Power Cleans at 95# and 30 Double Unders. I did not have my favorite jump rope with me and used one that I was not comfortable with so my double unders sucked. This overall smoked me pretty good. Along with the squats, my knee feeling a bit weird, sleep schedule, life, I probably will take an extra rest day tomorrow and hit it hard on Monday
Day 14
Day 15
Today was supposed to be sprints but tomorrow playing basketball and will be doing plenty of sprinting there and not getting any weights in so combining my hinge day, with a complex that focuses on Press/pull since that was supposed to be the flavor of the day tomorrow.
For my hinge work trying out some cluster training. Basically doing 3 sets of 10 but breaking reps up with rest in between the reps, and rest in between the sets.
3 sets of 10/2 @75% of Power Clean and Push Press with ~15 sec between the double reps. Rest 2 min between sets. I used 155 on these. First two sets I did 12 total reps because I do not know how to count/tell time. Last set did 10 reps. Once again focus was on pulling properly which I am starting to do more. Really trying to stay back and use the stretch of hamstring to drive weight up and not pull early. The push presses felt heavy. Partly because I kept coming forward, and I did not warm up the push press, just went at it.
Complex was a DB complex. Did 30 man-makers for time. Was hoping for sub 6, and finished in 5:58 with 35# DB's.
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